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New product recommendation of medical integration | medical testing system solution
Release time:2023/09/18

Recently, Bogong Technology has successfully developed a centrifugalwashing robot and successfully delivered it to customers.This robotnot only can automatically complete the centrifugal washing processbut also has advantages such as high precision, high efficiency, andhigh safety, providing strong technical support for bridging the "lastmile" of precision medicine.

Laboratory centrifuges play a crucial role in the fields of medicine andlife sciences. Firstly, it is widely used in the fields of blood separationand clinical diagnosis. By placing the blood sample in a centrifugetube for rotation, the centrifuge can divide the blood into differentcomponents, such as plasma and cells, which is crucial for diseasediagnosis and blood disease research.Secondly, centrifuges are alsoindispensable tools in DNA/RNA extraction and gene research.Thehigh-speed rotation of the centrifuge can precipitate DNA/RNA,making it convenient for extraction and research.In addition,centrifuges can also be used for cell culture and cell separation,providing basic experimental conditions for biological research.


Traditional centrifugal method

The centrifugal washing robot is a product developed by BogongTechnology for the biomedical field, and is a device used for cellseparation and washing. This robot adopts advanced visualrecognition systems and artificial intelligence technology, which can separate cells from the culture medium through high-speed rotationand remove impurities and harmful substances from the culture medium. Compared with manual centrifugation, automated centrifugeshave higher accuracy and efficiency, which can greatly improve thequality and consistency of cell separation and washing.

lts emergence has transformed previously time-consuming,labor-intensive, and easily polluting manual operation processes intoefficient and precise automated processes. By combining automationand intelligent technology, the operation of the centrifuge iscompletely entrusted to the robot, greatly freeing the hands of theexperimenter.

Intelligent centrifugal washing robot


Centrifugal robot

l  High throughput: Fast processing of large numbers of samples

Traditional centrifuges limit the processing capacity of laboratories,often requiring a significant amount of time and effort However, theemergence of high-throughput automated centrifugal robots has changed this situation. lt has the characteristics of high automation.which can process multiple samples simultaneously and achieve fastand accurate separation process through intelligent algorithms.

l  Data tracking: comprehensively grasp the progress of the experiment

The high-throughput automated centrifugal robot is equipped with anadvanced data tracking system, which can record and store key dataduring the experimental process in real-time Researchers can checkthe centrifugal parameters, velocity curves, and result analysis at anytime to comprehensively grasp the progress of the experiment. Thisnot only improves the reliability of the experimental results, but alsoprovides strong support for data analysis and subsequent research.

l  Intelligent control: intelligent analysis and fault warning

The centrifuge robot is equipped with advanced artificial intelligencesystems and has the ability to intelligently analyze can intelligently adjust centrifugal parametersaccording to different sample types and experimental needs, andperform separation in an optimized manner. At the same time, therobot can also monitor the status of the equipment in real-time,perform fault warning and automatic alarm, ensuring the safety andstability of the experiment.

l  Remote monitoring: Control the experimental process anytime and anywhere

Through network connectivity, researchers can monitor and controlthe experimental process anytime and anywhere. This means that evenoutside the laboratory or when leaving the laboratory, researchers canmonitor the progress of the experiment in real-time throughcomputers or mobile devices, adjust experimental parameters, andachieve timely acquisition of experimental data and flexible control ofexperimentalprocesses.


Automated centrifugal method

The main advantages of centrifugal washing robots lie in theirautomation, intelligence, and high efficiency. lt can automaticallycomplete the centrifugal operation, reduce the workload ofexperimental personnel, and improve work can alsoautomatically adjust parameters according to experimental needs toensure the accuracy and consistency of experimental results.Inaddition, its real-time monitoring function can timely detect and solve problems that arise in the experiment, ensuring the smooth progressof the experiment.

The successfuldevelopment and delivery of Bogong Technology's centrifugalwashing robot not only improves the efficiency and safety of biologicalaboratories, but also provides strong supportfor the development of precision medicine. In thefuturelaboratory, this robot will become an indispensable toolcontributing to the research and development oflife sciences.